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    Its a lonely path.Dont make it any lonelier than it has to be. 这本来就是条孤独的道路,别再让自己陷入没必要的孤立中。

    2023-12-10 11:34:211035

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    Its a lonely path.Dont make it any lonelier than it has to be. 这本来就是条孤独的道路,别再让自己陷入没必要的孤立中。

    2023-12-10 11:34:211035

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    Its a lonely path.Dont make it any lonelier than it has to be. 这本来就是条孤独的道路,别再让自己陷入没必要的孤立中。

    2023-12-10 11:34:211035

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    2023-12-10 11:34:213468

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    2023-12-10 11:34:213468

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    2023-12-10 11:34:213468

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    Life’s too short not to live. 人生苦短,及时行乐。

    2023-12-10 11:34:2145

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    Life’s too short not to live. 人生苦短,及时行乐。

    2023-12-10 11:34:2145

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    Life’s too short not to live. 人生苦短,及时行乐。

    2023-12-10 11:34:2145

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    Some people,when they break,they cant be put together again.Somepeople heal even stronger. 有些人一旦受伤了…

    2023-12-10 11:34:21508

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    Some people,when they break,they cant be put together again.Somepeople heal even stronger. 有些人一旦受伤了…

    2023-12-10 11:34:21508

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    Some people,when they break,they cant be put together again.Somepeople heal even stronger. 有些人一旦受伤了…

    2023-12-10 11:34:21508

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    每个小孩都梦想当超级英雄 拥有能力 拯救人类 但没有孩子想当自己是超级英雄 却无法拯救人类时会怎样 事实是…… 其他的都没怎么改变 你还是会痛 你还是会爱 你还是会许愿期待以及害怕 你…

    2023-12-10 11:34:213217

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    2023-12-10 11:34:212276

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    2023-12-10 11:34:212276

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    2023-12-10 11:34:212276

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    2023-12-10 11:34:212727

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    2023-12-10 11:34:214778

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    Not every friendship is meant to a lifetime. What does last forever is the pain when that person is …

    2023-12-10 11:34:212041

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    Not every friendship is meant to a lifetime. What does last forever is the pain when that person is …

    2023-12-10 11:34:212041

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    Not every friendship is meant to a lifetime. What does last forever is the pain when that person is …

    2023-12-10 11:34:212041

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    2023-12-10 11:34:212680

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    the hardest thing youre gonna have to face is not some monsters out there with powers.Its gonna be t…

    2023-12-10 11:34:211491

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    the hardest thing youre gonna have to face is not some monsters out there with powers.Its gonna be t…

    2023-12-10 11:34:211491

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    the hardest thing youre gonna have to face is not some monsters out there with powers.Its gonna be t…

    2023-12-10 11:34:211491

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    2023-12-10 11:34:213760

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    2023-12-10 11:34:213760

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    2023-12-10 11:34:213760

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    曾经有只小恐龙是只慈母龙和母亲生活在一起。 有一天,他告诉他妈妈:“我真希望我像其他恐龙一样与众不同。如果我是霸王龙我就可以用我凶猛的牙撕咬”“但如果你是霸王龙”他妈妈说,“你要怎么用那只瘦小的手臂…

    2023-12-10 11:34:211377

  • :

    曾经有只小恐龙是只慈母龙和母亲生活在一起。 有一天,他告诉他妈妈:“我真希望我像其他恐龙一样与众不同。如果我是霸王龙我就可以用我凶猛的牙撕咬”“但如果你是霸王龙”他妈妈说,“你要怎么用那只瘦小的手臂…

    2023-12-10 11:34:211377

  • :

    曾经有只小恐龙是只慈母龙和母亲生活在一起。 有一天,他告诉他妈妈:“我真希望我像其他恐龙一样与众不同。如果我是霸王龙我就可以用我凶猛的牙撕咬”“但如果你是霸王龙”他妈妈说,“你要怎么用那只瘦小的手臂…

    2023-12-10 11:34:211377

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    why some come into our lives. why some people go. and others become a part of you.Some friendships f…

    2023-12-10 11:34:211245

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    why some come into our lives. why some people go. and others become a part of you.Some friendships f…

    2023-12-10 11:34:211245

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    why some come into our lives. why some people go. and others become a part of you.Some friendships f…

    2023-12-10 11:34:211245

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    Theres that one friend who, well ,you hope, someday becomes something more. But friend will have to …

    2023-12-10 11:34:21134

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    Theres that one friend who, well ,you hope, someday becomes something more. But friend will have to …

    2023-12-10 11:34:21134

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    Theres that one friend who, well ,you hope, someday becomes something more. But friend will have to …

    2023-12-10 11:34:21134

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    2023-12-10 11:34:212704

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    I want you to take a moment, and think about all the things that define your life, all the people yo…

    2023-12-10 11:34:21159

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    只是觉得每次胜利,我都失去了什么。 Just fells like everytime I win,I still lose.

    2023-12-10 11:34:21306

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    只是觉得每次胜利,我都失去了什么。 Just fells like everytime I win,I still lose.

    2023-12-10 11:34:21306

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    只是觉得每次胜利,我都失去了什么。 Just fells like everytime I win,I still lose.

    2023-12-10 11:34:21306

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    2023-12-10 11:34:214635

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    How often do you think about why your friends came into your life? Was it random, by design,or maybe…

    2023-12-10 11:34:214756

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    How often do you think about why your friends came into your life? Was it random, by design,or maybe…

    2023-12-10 11:34:214756

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    How often do you think about why your friends came into your life? Was it random, by design,or maybe…

    2023-12-10 11:34:214756

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    My name is Barry Allen,and I am the fastest man alive.To the outside world,Im an ordinary forensic s…

    2023-12-10 11:34:211317

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    My name is Barry Allen,and I am the fastest man alive.To the outside world,Im an ordinary forensic s…

    2023-12-10 11:34:211317

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    My name is Barry Allen,and I am the fastest man alive.To the outside world,Im an ordinary forensic s…

    2023-12-10 11:34:211317

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    Nothing in life is impossible expect death生活中没有什么是不可能的

    2023-12-10 11:34:21214

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    Nothing in life is impossible expect death生活中没有什么是不可能的

    2023-12-10 11:34:21214

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    Nothing in life is impossible expect death生活中没有什么是不可能的

    2023-12-10 11:34:21214

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    2023-12-10 11:34:213590

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    Theres a natural order to things.Things happen the way they do.We may not know the way at the time, …

    2023-12-10 11:34:211394

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    Theres a natural order to things.Things happen the way they do.We may not know the way at the time, …

    2023-12-10 11:34:211394

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    Theres a natural order to things.Things happen the way they do.We may not know the way at the time, …

    2023-12-10 11:34:211394

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    2023-12-10 11:34:213393

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    Life is either or.生命是或。

    2023-12-10 11:34:211256

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    Life is either or.生命是或。

    2023-12-10 11:34:211256

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    Life is either or.生命是或。

    2023-12-10 11:34:211256




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